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People who are diagnosed with a disability before the age of 22 and need help with daily living may be eligible for special Medicaid programs that pay for in-home care as well as group home care. These programs are called "Medicaid Waivers."


The Medicaid Waivers for people with Developmental Disabilities in Georgia are the New Options Waiver (NOW) and Comprehensive Supports Waiver Program (COMP).


The COMP waiver is for people who need 24/7 care and need a full range of out-of-home services or intensive in-home services to live in the community. 


The NOW waiver is provide supports for people who do not need 24 hour care. It is designed for people who live with family members or in their own home.


Read more about the waivers here:


If you live in Newton are interested in a waiver, you can contact the independent agency InCommunity to discuss your options. You can also apply for a waiver on your own using the steps listed here:


InCommunity/Georgia Community Support and Solutions 
Phone: (404) 634-4222
Serves: Dekalb, Fulton, Gwinnett, Newton, Rockdale, and more

Community based non-profit organization that provides services to people with developmental disabilities, as well as support to their families. 


Rockdale Cares
875 Davis Drive, Conyers, GA 30094     (770) 922-7272

Community based non-profit organization that provides services to people with developmental disabilities, as well as support to their families. 


Georgia Advocacy
Phone: (404) 885-1234

Public information and education, advocacy, information and referrals for people with disabilities. Investigation of allegations of abuse, neglect, or violations of rights of people with disabilities.


Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities
Phone: (404) 657-2126


Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities

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